The Company owns 100% of the Mt Rawdon West Project located inland from Bundaberg in Queensland. The project consists of one granted 305km2 tenement, which covers the intersection of the highly prospective Mt Rawdon gold corridor with the Mt Perry copper-gold corridor.
Surface geochemical programs have focussed on the main corridor between the two major mineral faults, Mt Rawdon and Mt Perry. The corridor between the faults is interpreted as a linking structure.
A soil program over the corridor, on a 400m x 100m spaced grid, has determined a 4km x 1.5km Cu-Au-Mo anomaly, at 10x background values, referred to as the Baloo target. Peak soil assay values returned 460ppb Au, 1.43g/t Ag, 781ppm Cu, & 13.4ppm Mo.
A total of 33 rock chip samples have been collected and assayed, across the corridor returning the following assay results:
*ASX Announcements 7th September 2023 and 30th October 2023.
The district has a rich mining history with significant gold, copper and molybdenum mines located on the tenement, which have laid dormant for the past 100 years.
Eight historical mines were located over a 7km wide corridor across the tenement, with malachite, azurite and bornite (copper mineralisation) observed in outcrop/subcrop and within the wall of old workings and waste piles.
Bornite is of considerable interest as it is a copper sulphide mineral often used as an indicator for its proximity to porphyry copper systems.
At Kaa, the old copper workings consist of three substantial adits that extend into a hill on the southern side, and two winzes’ (portals for hauling ore out of the mine to the surface), were found on the north-eastern side of Wonbah Hill.
The workings cover 370m of strike and 80m in elevation.
Visible copper mineralisation was observed at entries to the adits as well as at the ore passes.
Granodiorite was identified as the host rock, with varying levels of K-feldspar alteration from weak to intense, mapped in outcrop surrounding the historical mine.
Copper mineralisation appeared to be hosted within quartz veins in the form of 2-3 cm crystals of malachite, azurite and bornite.
No drilling has ever been completed at the prospect surrounding or underneath the old workings.